About Me

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United States
My name is Jessie Carlile and I paint miniatures and love to roll dice. I began painting miniatures in 1999 and have never looked back. Painting is very relaxing and rewarding for me and I hope you enjoy the works I share on this website. I have won many awards for my work including the Silver in 2008 and 2009 Privateer Press Masters Painting Competition as well as a Gold in 2010. Enjoy your stay and if you have any questions feel free to contact me!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Painted Gorgon *Gasp!*

I know this guy gets a lot of hate, but I can't help but love him for it.

As with a lot of my other Retribution figures, I've had this Gorgon since the Angry Elves made their debut at Gen Con so long ago.  I was in college at the time, and with a full time job, I had very little time for painting.  I wanted to get models done in a very small amount of time, so that led me to purchase my first airbrush.  It was plastic, bottom fed, and of pretty poor quality.

I painted the Gorgon for the first time in a friends workshop, since they had a compressor I could use.  I applied the paint with the finesse of a freight train, and slapped on glow effects that didn't even come close to being the color I wanted.  In an effort to make the model look better, I tried applying battle damage with a sponge.  Of course, this did nothing to help the appearance of the model.

The Gorgon sat languishing in a case until a few weeks ago, when I pulled him out, intent on using him with a Scyir.  I quickly determined he wouldn't fit with my present force, and quickly chucked him in the Simple Green.  A quick application of paint with a little more finesse than the last time, and viola!

I was able to use him in a game recently, and he didn't quite perform as I wanted him to, but that's because he was the only thing on my flank that I could throw at a bunch of angry Doom Reavers.  Next time, I hope to use him to lock down another 'jack.

Here's a little preview of next weeks post.

Comments and questions welcome!

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